Project Detail
Implementation and Verification of BMPs to Reduce Everglades Agricultural Area Farm P Loads: Floating Aquatic Vegetation Impact on Farm P Load |
Goals and Objectives | ||||
The goal of this research is improved management of floating aquatic vegetation (FAV) in Everglades Agricultural Area farm canals. The hypothesis of the research is that FAV-free canals will be found to produce more cohesive, less reactive sediments due to increased light penetration resulting from the change in farm canal aquatic plant community. | ||||
Available Outputs |
Project Lead |
Daroub, Samira H |
Project Participants |
Daroub, Samira H |
Additional Participants |
J. Bhada |
Manohardeep Josan |
Timothy Lang |
EcoSystem: |
Wetlands |
ThrustArea: |
Water, Land Use and Ecosystems |
Sponsor |
Grant Award Dates |
10/1/2012 to 9/30/2013 |