This project is a part of a larger program funded by the United States Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture under agreement 2008-51130-19537, also known as The Southern Regional Water Program. The Program is a partnership of the Texas AgriLife Extension Service, 21 collaborating Land Grant Universities in the Southern United States, and the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.
Policy and Economics Team of the Southern Regional Water Program conducts research and extension activities on topics related to water users’ attitudes, perceptions and behaviors; barriers to water conservation; water law; and agricultural pollution control policies. The Team is led by Michael Smolen, Oklahoma State University, Leeann DeMouche, New Mexico State University, and Donn Rodekohr, Auburn University.
This project implemented by a University of Florida faculty team has two objectives: 1. to examine Florida residents’ attitudes and perceptions about water resource issues in the state; and 2. to analyze the use of barriers for water conservation in residential sector.
To examine Florida residents’ attitudes and perceptions, we assisted in design and implementation of a survey of Florida residents about water resource issues. The purpose of the survey titled Water Issues in Florida was to examine Florida residents' awareness and attitudes about water quality and quantity issues and the strategies to protect water resources. The survey was mailed to 1,154 randomly-selected Florida households in the fall of 2008 and spring of 2009; 523 households completed and returned the survey for a 45.5% response rate.
In turn, to analyze the use of barriers for water conservation in residential sector, a survey of representatives of Florida's drinking water systems was conducted in 2009–2010. Out of 742 community water systems in Florida that serve at least 501 people, 27.3 percent (197 systems) responded to the survey. While this is not a large sample, it represents the first systematic examination of the views of water system representatives in Florida. |
Results of the two surveys are summarized in the series of University of Florida on-line publications. |