Coastal SEES (Track 1): Planning for hydrologic and ecol
Martin, Jonathan Bowman
Sediment Survey and Fluxes of Nutrients from Sediments and Groundwater in the Northern Indian River Lagoon, Florida
Martin, Jonathan Bowman
Towards a Global Reconciliation of Last Interglacial Sea Level Observations
Dutton, Andrea Lynn
3-D Water Quality Model
Sheng, Yeayi P
A Regional Storm Surge and Inundation Model Testbed for SECOORA: A Community Approach to Advance Coastal Hazard Science
Sheng, Yeayi P
Assessing Stakeholder and Public Perceptions of Ecosystem Service Changes Resulting from Sea Level Rise to Inform Incentive-based Conservation Program Design
Racevskis, Laila Anna
Assessing the Vulnerability of Florida Coastal Highways & Bridges to Hurricane Induced Storm Surge and Coastal Flooding Damage
Sheng, Yeayi P
Caloosahatchee Salinity Modeling
Sheng, Yeayi P
Cedar Key case study: Laboratory for sea level rise, saltwater intrusion, and future health risks of drinking water
Boyer, Treavor H
CH3D Compatible Models
Sheng, Yeayi P
CH3D Model for Pinellas County Flood Mapping
Sheng, Yeayi P
Coastal Springs Estuary Assessment - Project Coast
Frazer, Tom K
Collaborative Research: Are Carbon Fluxes from Marine Sediments Enhanced by Submarine Ground Water Discharge?
Martin, Jonathan Bowman
Collaborative Research: Interdisciplinary Approach To Understand Stable Isotopic disequilibrium in Benthic Foraminifera
Martin, Jonathan Bowman
Complex Interactions in the Pelagic Ecosystem
Frazer, Tom K
Coral reef Restoration in the Florida keys National Marine Sanctuary Through translocation of Diadema antillarum
Frazer, Tom K
Development of a Flooding/Drying Curvilinear-Grid Hydrodynamic Model for the Lower St. Johns River (LSJR) Including Tidal Marshes
Sheng, Yeayi P
Development of a Multi-Group Sediment Transport Model for St. Lucie Estuary
Sheng, Yeayi P
Development of a Northeast Florida Shelf/Estuary Model
Sheng, Yeayi P
Development of a Prototype SURA-SCOOP Modeling Grid
Sheng, Yeayi P
Development of an Inexpensive, Submersible, Automatic Water Sampler
Martin, Jonathan Bowman
Development of CH3D ARCGIS Graphical User Interface
Sheng, Yeayi P
Estero Bay & Caloosahatchee Salinity Modeling Work
Sheng, Yeayi P
Estuarine Response to Extreme Events-The GTMNERR Case Study
Sheng, Yeayi P
Evaluating Lagoon Quest: Enhancing an annual Program and Designing long-term indicators
Monroe, Martha Carrie
Florida as a laboratory for global urbanization, sea level rise, and future health risks of drinking water sources.
Boyer, Treavor H
Hurricane Suiter Simulation to Support FDEM's Hurricane Exercise
Sheng, Yeayi P
Hydrodynamic Model for Sarasota Bay
Sheng, Yeayi P
Hydrodynamic Modeling of Charlotte Harbor
Sheng, Yeayi P
Indian River Lagoon Polution Load Reduction Modeling Technical Support Services by University of Florida
Sheng, Yeayi P
Integrated Modeling for the Assessment of Ecological Impacts of Sea Level Rise
Slinn, Donald Nicholas
Integrated Modeling for the Assessment of Ecological Impacts of Sea Level Rise
Slinn, Donald Nicholas
Integrated Modeling of the Impact of Freshwater Flow on the Salinity inside Apalachicola Bay
Sheng, Yeayi P
Integrated Studies of Surfacewater-Groundwater Exchange
Martin, Jonathan Bowman
Long term research on aquatic birds in the Everglades
Frederick, Peter C
Modeling Social Values of Ecosystem Services in a Coastal Environment
Swett, Robert Alphonso
Planning for Sea Level Rise: A Pilot Study to Evaluate and Improve the Development and Delivery of Habitat Vulnerability Assessments and Adaptive Conservation Designs to Coastal Decision Makers
Frank, Kathryn I
Post-deposition dissolution of carbonate minerals: Origins of secondary porosity in modern carbonate platforms
Martin, Jonathan Bowman
Frazer, Tom K
Real Time Storm Surge Modeling in the Caloosahatchee Estuary
Sheng, Yeayi P
Sediment Transport through Tidal Inlets During Extreme Forcing: Erosion or Accretion?
Valle-Levinson, Arnoldo
The SURA Coastal Ocean Observing and Prediction Program
Sheng, Yeayi P
The SURA Coastal Ocean Observing and Prediction Program 2007-2008
Sheng, Yeayi P
Transport of NBC Agents in Estuaries and Bays
Sheng, Yeayi P
Trophic Coupling and Habitat Connectivity among Coral Reef, Mangrove, and Seagrass
Murie, Debra Jean
WSC-Category 2 Collaborative: Robust decision-making for South Florida water resources by ecosystem service valuation, hydro-economic optimization, and conflict resolution modeling
Martinez, Christopher J