Project Title |
Project Investigator |
Biodiversity of a landscape: examining forest heterogeneity and ecological change in the East Usambaras since 1975.
Southworth, Jane
Coastal SEES (Track 1): Planning for hydrologic and ecol
Martin, Jonathan Bowman
Nutrient Screening Model for Silver Springs
Annable, Michael D
Optimal Water Quality and Conservation Investments
Grogan, Kelly A
Sediment Survey and Fluxes of Nutrients from Sediments and Groundwater in the Northern Indian River Lagoon, Florida
Martin, Jonathan Bowman
3-D Water Quality Model
Sheng, Yeayi P
A Largemouth Bass Model for the Kissimmee Chain of Lakes (KCOL)
Allen, Micheal S
A Regional Storm Surge and Inundation Model Testbed for SECOORA: A Community Approach to Advance Coastal Hazard Science
Sheng, Yeayi P
Allen, Micheal S
Agreement Between the St. Johns River Water Management District and the University of Florida for Springs Protection Initiative – Interdisciplinary Scientific Support
Reddy, Konda R
Agreement Between the St. Johns River Water Management District and the University of Florida for Springs Protection Initiative – Interdisciplinary Scientific Support
Reddy, Konda R
Alternative Landscapes Along The Amazon Frontier
Southworth, Jane
Alternative Landscapes Along the Amazon's Frontier: Simulating Future Land-Use and Carbon Dynamics in the Xingu River Headwaters Region
Southworth, Jane
An Examination of Fish Spawning, Movement, and Habitat Utilization Patterns in the Battle Bend Region of the Apalachicola River, Florida
Pine III, William E
Analysis of Soil Moisture and Salinity in the Floodplains of the Loxahatchee River Watershed.
Munoz-Carpena, Rafael
Analysis of UF Groundwater Data from the IRL to Quantify Nutrient Loadings from Two Sources: Fresh Groundwater and Recirculated Lagoon Water
Martin, Jonathan Bowman
Applying Everglades Landscape Model to Dynamically Integrate Hydrology, Water Quality, Soils, Periphyton, and Vegetation to Support Water Conservation Area 3A Decompartmentalization
Fitz, H Carl
Assessing Stakeholder and Public Perceptions of Ecosystem Service Changes Resulting from Sea Level Rise to Inform Incentive-based Conservation Program Design
Racevskis, Laila Anna
Assessing the Impact of Land Developments from Forested to Urban Land Uses on the Hydrology of Isolated Wetlands, focusing on the hydrologic dynamics and loss of water storage capacity at the landscape scale.
Cohen, Matthew J
Assessment and validation of wetland biogeochemical indicators.
Clark, Mark W
Assessment of Spatial Nutrient Dynamics in the Newnans Lake Watershed
Cohen, Matthew J
Assessment of the Importance of Matrix Flow in a Conduit-Dominated Karst Aquifer: Investigation of the Unconfined Floridan Aquifer
Martin, Jonathan Bowman
Baseline Characterization of the Taylor Creek Pilot Stormwater Treatment Areas (STA) in the Lake Okeechobee Watershed
Reddy, Konda R
Biogeochemical Indicators of Watershed Integrity & Wetlands
Reddy, Konda R
Biotic Hydrolysis of Organic Phosphorus in Wetlands
Reddy, Konda R
BMPs for Florida Blueberries
Haman, Dorota Zofia
Bulk Sedimentation and Nutrient Accumulation Rates in Lakes
Brenner, Mark
Caloosahatchee Salinity Modeling
Sheng, Yeayi P
CH3D Compatible Models
Sheng, Yeayi P
CH3D Model for Pinellas County Flood Mapping
Sheng, Yeayi P
Characterization of Long-Term Phosphorus Burial in Wetlands
Reddy, Konda R
Coastal Springs Estuary Assessment - Project Coast
Frazer, Tom K
Collaborative Research- Catalyzing New International Collaborations: Interdisciplinary workgroup on water sustainability in the Tempisque Basin, NW Costa Rica
Munoz-Carpena, Rafael
Collaborative Research: Are Carbon Fluxes from Marine Sediments Enhanced by Submarine Ground Water Discharge?
Martin, Jonathan Bowman
Collaborative Research: Controls on Delivery and Fate of Water, Nitrogen and Calcium in a Spring-Fed Karst River
Graham, Wendy Dimbero
Collaborative Research: High Resolution Sensor Networks for Quantifying and Predicting Surface-Groundwater Mixing and Nutrient Delivery in the Santa Fe River, Florida
Graham, Wendy Dimbero
Collaborative Research: Interdisciplinary Approach To Understand Stable Isotopic disequilibrium in Benthic Foraminifera
Martin, Jonathan Bowman
Collaborative Research: The Ecological Drill Hypothesis: Biotic Control on Carbonate Dissolution in a Low Relief Patterned Landscape
Cohen, Matthew J
Complex Interactions in the Pelagic Ecosystem
Frazer, Tom K
Compliation and Synthesis of Existing Data to support of the determination of minimum flows for Crystal River
Frazer, Tom K
Comprehensive Analysis and Evaluation of Historical Data and Information for the Stormwater Treatment Areas
Reddy, Konda R
Cooperative Graduate Research Assistantships between the Florida Water Resources Research Center, South Florida Water Management District and the UF Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department
Graham, Wendy Dimbero
Coral reef Restoration in the Florida keys National Marine Sanctuary Through translocation of Diadema antillarum
Frazer, Tom K
Database-Biogeochemical Characterization of Wetlands
Reddy, Konda R
Demonstration of Water Quality Best Management Practices to Reduce Nutrient Loadings from Beef Cattle Ranches to Lake Okeechobee
Graham, Wendy Dimbero
Design and Demonstration of a distributed sensor array for predicting water flow and nitrate flux in the Santa Fe Basin
Graham, Wendy Dimbero
Determining the Age of Ichetucknee Springs Water
Martin, Jonathan Bowman
Developing resource managers skills for wildland-urban interface challenges.
Monroe, Martha Carrie
Development and Use of an Ecopath Model to Explore Effects of Habitat Restoration Projects on Florida Lake Fish Communities.
Allen, Micheal S
Development of a Computer Model to Design Vegetative Filter Strips as a Best Management Practice to Total Maximum Daily Loads to Reduce Contaminant Transport by Runoff from Disturbed Lands
Munoz-Carpena, Rafael
Development of a Flooding/Drying Curvilinear-Grid Hydrodynamic Model for the Lower St. Johns River (LSJR) Including Tidal Marshes
Sheng, Yeayi P
Development of a Multi-Group Sediment Transport Model for St. Lucie Estuary
Sheng, Yeayi P
Development of a Northeast Florida Shelf/Estuary Model
Sheng, Yeayi P
Development of a procedure for using selected water quality model components with existing hydrologic models.
Munoz-Carpena, Rafael
Development of an Inexpensive, Submersible, Automatic Water Sampler
Martin, Jonathan Bowman
Development of CH3D ARCGIS Graphical User Interface
Sheng, Yeayi P
Direct Investigation of Englacial Conduits
Martin, Jonathan Bowman
Dissecting Mortality Components for Recreational Fisheries with High Rates of Released Fish
Allen, Micheal S
Doctoral Dissertation Research: Linking Land-Use and Land-Cover Change and Aquatic Ecosystem Function in the Temash River Watershed, Belize, Central America
Brenner, Mark
Ecology and Paleoecology of Groundwater-Augmented Lakes
Brenner, Mark
Environmental Effects of Water Withdrawals from the St. Johns River - Data Collection
Reddy, Konda R
Environmental Effects of Water Withdrawals from the St. Johns River Expert Assistance
Reddy, Konda R
Estuarine Response to Extreme Events-The GTMNERR Case Study
Sheng, Yeayi P
Evaluating Decomposition Dynamics, Community Composition
Clark, Mark W
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Best Management Practices to Reduce Nutrient Inputs to Groundwater in the Suwannee River Basin
Graetz, Donald A
Evaluation of the Impacts of Alternative Citrus Production Practices on Groundwater Quality
Graham, Wendy Dimbero
Exploring coupled social and hydrological uncertainty within adaptive water resource management in the Appalachicola Chatahoochee Flint River Basin
Kiker, Gregory A
Field and Data Maintenance of the FL-DEP BoMR Vegetative Filter Strip Research Facility in Homeland, Bartow (FL)
Munoz-Carpena, Rafael
Finding Wood Stork Habitat and Conserving the Right Features
Frederick, Peter C
Fish-habitat relationship in Florida springs: Do submersed plants and filamentous algae influence the population structure and production of small-bodied fishes?
Pine III, William E
Florida Ranchlands Environmental Services Project:Vegetation Analysis Tasks
Clark, Mark W
Floridan Aquifer Collaborative Engagement for Sustainability (FACETS)
Graham, Wendy Dimbero
Gastropod Populations and the Control of Algal Proliferation in Ichetucknee Springs
Cohen, Matthew J
Groundwater data Processing and advanced Hydrologic Analysis for the Loxahatche River
Munoz-Carpena, Rafael
Groundwater Hydrology, Springshed Supergroup: Conduit and Fracture Flow Modeling
Graham, Wendy Dimbero
Hillsborough County Lakes
Phlips, Edward J
Hurricane Suiter Simulation to Support FDEM's Hurricane Exercise
Sheng, Yeayi P
Hydrodynamic Model for Sarasota Bay
Sheng, Yeayi P
Hydrodynamic Modeling of Charlotte Harbor
Sheng, Yeayi P
Hydrogeology of O'Leno State Park and Nitrate Loading from the River Rise, a First Magnitude Spring.
Martin, Jonathan Bowman
Hydrologic Control of Soil Subsidence in the Upper St. Johns River Basin
Reddy, Konda R
Hydrology of Coastal Dune Lakes in Walton County Florida
Jawitz, James W
IGERT Program in Adaptive Management: Wise Use of Water, Wetlands and Watersheds
Brown, Mark T
IGERT Program in Adaptive Management: Wise Use of Water, Wetlands and Watersheds
Brown, Mark T
Impact of Organic Amendments on Soil Water Retention & Water Conservation.
Shukla, Sanjay
Implementation and Verification of BMPs to Reduce Everglades Agricultural Area Farm P Loads: Floating Aquatic Vegetation Impact on Farm P Load
Daroub, Samira H
Implementation of the Model Land Development Code for Florida Springs Protection
Hamann, Richard G
Important microhabitats for spotted sunfish in the Manatee, Little Manatee, and Anclote
Rivers, Florida.
Allen, Micheal S
Improving economic efficiency and reducing environmental impact in the U.S. sugarcane industry through a systems-based approach
Jones, James W
In Situ Quantification of Surface Water & Groundwater Nutrients
Jawitz, James W
Increased Nutrient Loading of Spring-Fed Coastal Rivers: Effects on Habitat and Faunal Communities
Frazer, Tom K
Indian River Lagoon Polution Load Reduction Modeling Technical Support Services by University of Florida
Sheng, Yeayi P
In-Situ Quantification of Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Mass Flux
Jawitz, James W
Integrated Interpretation of Survey and Experimental Approaches for Determining Nutrient Thrsholds for Macroalgae in Florida Springs
Reddy, Konda R
Integrated Modeling of the Impact of Freshwater Flow on the Salinity inside Apalachicola Bay
Sheng, Yeayi P
Integrated Physical and Chemical Observations of Water-rock Interactions and Coupled Matrix-conduit Flow in the Karstic Floridan Aquifer
Martin, Jonathan Bowman
Integrated Studies of Surfacewater-Groundwater Exchange
Martin, Jonathan Bowman
Integration and Verification of Water Quality and Crop Yield Models for BMP Planning
Jones, James W
Investiation of effects of variable flows on water chemistry gradients and fish communities
Allen, Micheal S
Isotope Tracing of Nitrogen Sources Ichetucknee Springs
Cohen, Matthew J
Kings Bay algal grazer evaluation
Frazer, Tom K
Kings Bay sediment feasibility study
Frazer, Tom K
Kings Bay Vegetation Evaluation and Monitoring Program
Frazer, Tom K
Kings Bay vegetation mapping & evaluation
Frazer, Tom K
Lake Jessup Phosphorus Removal Treatment Technology: Experimental Phragmites Harvest to Reduce TP in Lake Jesup
Brown, Mark T
Lake Jesup Total Phosphorus Removal Treatment Technologies Floating Island Pilot Project
Brown, Mark T
Lake Okeechobee Sediment Quality Mapping
Cohen, Matthew J
Literature review and synthesis of agricultural water quality BMP research
Dukes, Michael D
Long term research on aquatic birds in the Everglades
Frederick, Peter C
Long-Term Changes in Phosphorus Storage in Selected Hydrologic Units of the Everglades
Reddy, Konda R
Mechanisms of N Loss in Spring Runs and Rivers
Cohen, Matthew J
Mechanisms of Ridge-Slough Maintenance and Degradation across the Greater Everglades
Cohen, Matthew J
Modeling Social Values of Ecosystem Services in a Coastal Environment
Swett, Robert Alphonso
Modeling Vegetation Dynamics in the Everglades
Munoz-Carpena, Rafael
Near Shore Ecology of Grand Canyon Fish
Pine III, William E
NOAA Recruiting Training & Research Program
Allen, Micheal S
Organization and Project- Level Validation of Historical Sediment Data and Re-Design of the Sediment Sampling Program for the Stormwater Treatment Areas
Reddy, Konda R
Peer Review of the Watershed Assessment Model
Graham, Wendy Dimbero
Permeable Reactive Barriers for Passive Management of Phosphorus in the Lake Okeechobee Basin
Jawitz, James W
Phosphorus Retention & Storage by Wetlands in the Lake Okeechobee Basin- Phase II
Reddy, Konda R
Phosphorus Retention and Storage by Isolated and Constructed Wetlands
Reddy, Konda R
Phosphorus Retention and Storage by Isolated and Constructed Wetlands in the Lake Okeechobee Basin
Reddy, Konda R
Phosphorus Retention and Storage by Isolated and Constructed Wetlands in the Lake Okeechobee Basin
Reddy, Konda R
Post-deposition dissolution of carbonate minerals: Origins of secondary porosity in modern carbonate platforms
Martin, Jonathan Bowman
Frazer, Tom K
Rapid Assessment of Restoration Performance Measures at Multiple Scales in the Greater Everglades Using Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy
Cohen, Matthew J
Real Time Storm Surge Modeling in the Caloosahatchee Estuary
Sheng, Yeayi P
Reducing Non-Point Source Loss of Nitrate Within the Santa Fe Basin
Clark, Mark W
Regional Distribution of Soil Nutrients - Hierarchical Spatial Sampling of Soil Properties in a Patterned Landscape
Osborne, Todd Z
Reversals of karst springs: Implications for water budgets, water quality, and speleogensis
Martin, Jonathan Bowman
Review of Land Use and Groundwater Recharge Plan
Jawitz, James W
Sediment Accumulation Rate and Past Water Quality in Lochloosa Lake
Brenner, Mark
Sediment Transport through Tidal Inlets During Extreme Forcing: Erosion or Accretion?
Valle-Levinson, Arnoldo
Sedimentation in Davis Lake (Tsala Apopka Chain of Lakes)
Brenner, Mark
Soil Biochemistry in the Hole-in-the-Donut Region with Implications for restoration Management
Inglett, Patrick W
Soils and Hydroperiod Analysis in the Flood Plains of the Loxahatchee River Watershed
Munoz-Carpena, Rafael
Spatially Distributed Hydroecosystem Modeling of Everglades Ridge and Slough Landscapes
Jawitz, James W
Spawning Microhabitats for American Shad at the St. Johns River Potential for use in Establishing MFLs
Allen, Micheal S
Springs Ecosystem Biology Workgroup: Trophic Interactions
Frazer, Tom K
Springs Ecosystem Hydrodynamics/Hydraulics Workgroup: Velocity Validation Transects and Methodology; Flow-way Development
Kaplan, David A
Springs Ecosystem Physiochemistry Workgroup: Benthic Sources and Sinks of Nutrients and Nitrogen Dynamics and Metabolism
Cohen, Matthew J
Springshed Nitrogen Biogeochemistry Workgroup: Nitrogen Transport and Rates of Removal from Land Surface to the Floridan Aquifer System
Inglett, Patrick W
Springshed Nitrogen Biogeochemistry Workgroup: Nitrogen Transport and Rates of Removal from Land Surface to the Floridan Aquifer System
Inglett, Patrick W
Springshed Supergroup – Groundwater Hydrology Workgroup: Transport and Loss of Nitrogen within the Upper Floridan Aquifer in the Silver Springs Springshed
Jawitz, James W
Stable Isotope Analysis of Gizzard Shad Food Habits at Lake Dora, Florida
Allen, Micheal S
Statistical Modeling of Chemotaxonomic and Water Quality Data in the Everglades
Cohen, Matthew J
Study of Frog Pond Hydrology and Water Quality Modification
Munoz-Carpena, Rafael
Summary and Synthesis of the Available Literature on the Effects of Nutrients on Spring Organisms and Systems
Brown, Mark T
Summary of the Available Literature on Runoff Coefficients and Nutrient Concentrations for Florida Wetlands
Brown, Mark T
Synoptic sediment collection and analysis investigation of the primary canals in two of the Eastern sub basins.
Daroub, Samira H
The SURA Coastal Ocean Observing and Prediction Program
Sheng, Yeayi P
The SURA Coastal Ocean Observing and Prediction Program 2007-2008
Sheng, Yeayi P
Tracing Carbon and Nitrogen Flow Through the Everglades Food Web
Reddy, Konda R
Tracing Carbon and Nitrogen Flow Through the Everglades Food Web Using Stable Isotopes: Dosing Study
Reddy, Konda R
Transport of NBC Agents in Estuaries and Bays
Sheng, Yeayi P
Tri-County Agricultural Area Water Quality Data Review and Information‐Sharing Program
Clark, Mark W
Trophic Coupling and Habitat Connectivity among Coral Reef, Mangrove, and Seagrass
Murie, Debra Jean
Clark, Mark W
Understanding and Predicting the Impact of Climate Variability and Climate Change on Land Use and Land Cover Change via Socio-Economic Institutions in Southern Africa
Southworth, Jane
Understanding mental models of Springs Working Group members
Monroe, Martha Carrie
Water Quality Model Calibration with Different Levels of Process Complexity
Jawitz, James W
Water Resources and Watershed Managment in the U.S. and Brazil
Munoz-Carpena, Rafael
Weathering of western Greenland: Influences on oceanic fluxes of radiogenic isotopes
Martin, Jonathan Bowman
Wetland Soils Nutrient Index Development and Evaluation of “Safe” Soil Phosphorus Storage Capacity
Nair, Vimala D
Wetlands on Clay Settling Areas
Brown, Mark T
Working Group Coordination and Restoration Plan Development for Rainbow, Silver and Ichetucknee Springs
Cohen, Matthew J