Poster Session and Student Competition Awards
Poster Session

The symposium’s poster session was held Tuesday at the same time and in the same room as the evening reception. It was a lively and well-attended gathering that showcased 60 posters including 38 students from University of Florida, University of Central Florida, and West Virginia University.

Poster abstracts can be viewed by clicking at these poster-session themes:

Student Competition Awards

The 38 students with posters competed for $1,000 awards to attend a professional conference to present their research work. Sponsors who generously provided these awards were the Carl. S. Swisher Foundation, American Water Resources Association, Manasota Peace River Regional Water Supply Authority, and Gainesville Regional Utilities.

Each of the 38 student posters was judged by 3 independent judges, who scored each poster according to standard objective criteria. The top-scoring posters stood out because they showed that the student’s research work was original and significant, with large potential for impact. The winning posters exhibited advanced techniques showing a high level of knowledge of the subject. As well, the student’s oral presentation to the judges showed that they have a good grasp of the subject. Finally, the 4 winning posters were creative, visually interesting, and of a highly professional caliber.

The 4 winners were:

Best Student Poster Award Winners

Siti Jariani Mohd Jani
Siti Jariani Mohd Jani
University of Florida,
Soil and Water Sciences
Major advisor: Dr. Gurpal Toor

"Rainy Season Nitrogen Transport in Urban Residential Stormwater Runoff"
Siti Jariani Mohd Jani Poster image

Kathleen Vazquez
Kathleen Vazquez
University of Florida,
Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Major advisor: Dr. Rachata Muneepeerakul

"A Mechanistic Bacterial Transport Model to Inform Food Safety Management of Agricultural Pond Water"
Kathleen Vazquez Poster image

Enrique Orozco-Lopez
Enrique Orozco-Lopez
University of Florida,
Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Major advisors: Dr. Bin Gao and Dr. Rafael Muñoz-Carpena

"Concepts, Theories, and Models of Macropore Flow in the Riparian Vadose Zone"
Orozco-Lopez poster image

Mohsen Tootoonchi
Mohsen Tootoonchi
University of Florida,
Major advisor: Dr. Lyn Gettys

"Evaluating Proxies for Seawater in Sea Level Rise and Climate Change Research"
Mohsen Tootoonchi Poster image