Project documents.
Subcommittee 6
- Building a Digital Watershed (1.32MB doc)
- Notes from HIS Symposium, Austin, TX, March 7-9 (493KB pdf)
- Subcommittee Templates (30KB doc)
- Joint Workshop for WATERS Network Test Beds and CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System (HIS)
- Meeting Notes May 3 & Hydrology Proposal Notes (31KB pdf)
- Meeting notes April 19 (31KB doc)
- Meeting notes March 22 (35KB pdf)
- Meeting notes March 8 (31KB doc)
- Logan Utah Presentation
Lit Review
- All Suwannee Refs (470KB xls) (4 worksheets; 1st sheet of USGS pubs has links to many online documents)
- Katz, B.G., H.D. Hornsby. 1998. A Preliminary Assessment of Sources of Nitrate in Springwaters, Suwannee River Basin, Florida. US Geological Survey, Open-File Report, 1998 (276KB pdf)
- Katz, B.G, R.S. DeHan, J.J. Hirten, J.S. Catches. 1997. Interactions Between Ground Water and Surface Water in the Suwannee River Basin, Florida. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 33:1237-1254 (3.89MB pdf)
- Pittman. J.R., H.H. Hatzell, E.T. Oaksford. 1997. Spring Contributions to Water Quantity and Nitrate Loads in the Suwannee River during Base Flow in July 1995. US Geological Survey, Water-Resources Investigations Report. (176KB pdf)
- Berndt, M.P., 1994, National Water-Quality Assessment Program--preliminary assessment of nitrate distribution in ground water in the Georgia-Florida Coastal Plain Study Unit, 1972-90: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 93-478, 8 p.
- Crandall, C.A., Katz, B.G., and Hirten, J.J., 1999, Hydrochemical evidence for mixing of river water and groundwater during high-flow conditions, lower Suwannee River basin, Florida, USA: Hydrogeology Journal, v. 7, p. 454-467. (468KB pdf)
- Statistical Summaries of Surface-Water Hydrologic Data Collected in the Suwannee River Water Management District, Florida,
1906-93 (878KB pdf)
- Jacobs, J & Dukes, M. 2004. Revision of AFSIRS crop water use simulation model, Final report. (67KB pdf)
SRWMD Reports
- Surface water quality and biological Report 2003 (642KB pdf)
- Springs of the Suwannee River Basin (1998)
- Delineation of Spring Protection Zones (2004) (2.71MB pdf)
- Groundwater / Surfacewater Quality reports 2007 (4.26MB pdf)
USGS Reports
- FAVA Report (7.94MB pdf)
- Watershed Description - M. Rains (30KB pdf)
- Watershed Conceptual Model - M. Rains (886KB pdf)