Call for Abstracts Presentation Preparation Instructions Planning Committee Contacts

Call for Abstracts
Abstract Submissions Closed
The UF Water Institute encourages you to submit an abstract for presentation at the UF Water Institute Symposium focused on Florida Challenges and Global Solutions for Sustainable Water Resources. The symposium is open to all professionals, students, and individuals interested in exchanging ideas and considering new ways to address the complex, inter-related challenges to water resources sustainability. Contributions are being sought to share examples of research, education, new technologies and improved policies related to some of the major challenges and issues of ensuring water resources sustainability for Florida and beyond.
Challenges to water resource sustainability
- Population growth and land use change impacts to water resource sustainability
- Climate variability and climate change factors impacting water resource sustainability
- Public health, wildlife health, ecosystem health and water resource sustainability
- Water availability and allocation
- Nutrient enrichment of surface, ground and coastal waters
- Sources and impacts of emerging contaminants
- Socioeconomic impacts of water resources decisions
- Public perceptions, values and attitudes toward water issues
- Oral presentations (15 minutes)
- Poster presentations (up to 4'10" Tall by 5'10" Wide)
Student poster authors will be eligible to compete for "Best Poster" awards based on the quality of the abstract, poster and discussion. Two poster winners will receive prizes of $1500 and $500 respectively that can be used as funding to support future participation in a national conference. Poster presenter winners will be announced during the closing session on Thursday afternoon.