Call for Abstracts Presentation Preparation Instructions Planning Committee Contacts

Sponsorship Levels
We invite you to become a Sponsor of this exciting event, where you can reach key audiences who are involved in sustaining Florida's water resources. Take advantage of this valuable opportunity to showcase your organization to future employees, collaborators and clients.
Contributing Partner (Platinum) $10,000
- Sponsor Keynote Speaker and Reception (1 sponsor per reception)
- Name and logo listed on the conference website (with corresponding web link)
- Name and logo listed on printed conference materials
- Name and logo listed on promotional items provided to all registrants
- Explicit thanks voiced before the Keynote and Reception
- Name and logo at reception
- 6 free registrations
- Sponsor Wednesday or Thursday Lunch (1 sponsor per lunch)
- Name and logo listed on the conference website (with corresponding web link)
- Name and logo listed on printed conference materials
- Name and logo listed on promotional items provided to all registrants
- Explicit thanks before lunch
- Name and logo at lunch
- 3 free registrations
- Sponsor refreshment break (1 sponsor per break)
- Name listed on the conference website (with corresponding web link)
- Name listed on printed conference materials
- Name listed on promotional items provided to all registrants
- Explicit thanks at breaks
- Name and logo at breaks
- 2 free registrations
- Name listed on the conference website (with corresponding web link)
- Name listed on printed conference materials
- Explicit thanks before speaker session
- Name and logo at speaker session
- 1 free registration
- Name listed on the conference website (with corresponding web link)
- Name listed on printed conference materials
- Explicit thanks before panel session
- 1 free registration
- Provide reduced registration for 5 students
- Name listed on printed conference materials
- Name and logo on student badges