Year |
Publication Title |
Author |
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2015 |
Tropical tales of polar ice: evidence of Last Interglacial polar ice sheet retreat recorded by fossil reefs of the granitic Seychelles islands
Dutton, A., J. M. Webster, D. Zwartz, K. Lambeck, and B. Wohlfarth
Peer Reviewed
2014 |
A simplified approach for simulating changes in beach habitat due to the combine effects of long-term sea level rise, storm erosion, and nourishment. Env. Model. & Software 52:111-120. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2013.10.020
Chu-Agor, M.L., J.A. Guzman, R. Muñoz-Carpena, G.A. Kiker, I. Linkov.
Peer Reviewed
2014 |
Untangling drivers of species distribution predictions: Global Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis of MaxEnt. Env. Model. & Software 51:296-309. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2013.10.001
Convertino, M.,R. Muñoz-Carpena, M.L. Chu-Agor, G. Kiker and I. Linkov.
Peer Reviewed
2013 |
Biogeochemical Dynamics at Major River-Coastal Interfaces. Cambridge University Press
Allison, Thomas S. Bianchi Mead A., and Wei-Jun Cai.
Other Publications
2013 |
Brominated VSLSs in and over the East Pacific during the Halocarbon Air-Sea Transect –Pacific Cruise (HalocAST-P). J. Geophys. Res. (Oceans) DOI 10.1002/jgrc.20299.
Liu, Y., S.A. Yvon-Lewis, L. Hu, R.W. Smith, L. Shen, T.S. Bianchi, and L. Campbell.
Peer Reviewed
2013 |
Decision analysis for species preservation under sea-level rise. Ecological Modelling 263:264-272.
Linhoss, A.C., G.A. Kiker, M.E. Aiello-Lammens, M.L. Chu-Agor, M. Convertino, R. Muñoz-Carpena, R.Fischer and I. Linkov
Peer Reviewed
2013 |
Enhanced Transfer of Terrestrially-Derived Carbon to the Atmosphere in a Flooding Event. Geophys. Res. Lett. 40: 1–7 doi:10.1029/2012GL054145.
Bianchi, T.S., Fenix Garcia-Tigreros, Shari Yvon-Lewis, Michael
> Shields, Heath J. Mills, David Butman, Christopher Osburn, Peter Raymond, Christopher Shank, Steven F. DiMarco, Nan Walker, Brandi Reese,Ruth Mullins, Antonietta Quigg, & George R. Aiken
Peer Reviewed
2013 |
Historical reconstruction of mangrove expansion in the Gulf of Mexico: linking climate change with carbon sequestration in coastal wetlands. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 119: 7-16.
Bianchi, T.S., M.A. Allison, J. Zhao, X. Li, R.S. Comeaux, R.A. Feagin, and R. Wasantha Kulawardhana
Peer Reviewed
2013 |
Historical reconstruction of organic carbon decay and preservation in the sediments on the East China Sea shelf. To: Journal of Geophysical Research (Biogeosciences):118, 1–15, doi:10.1002/jgrg.20079.
Li, X., T.S. Bianchi, M.A. Allison, P. Chapman, and G. Yang.
Peer Reviewed
2013 |
Modern organic carbon input from the Colville River to the sediments of Simpson's Lagoon, Beaufort Sea, Alaska. J. Geophys. Res. (Biogeoscience), 118, 1–17, doi:10.1002/jgrg.20065.
Schreiner, K.M., T.S. Bianchi, M.A. Allison, and T.I. Eglinton.
Peer Reviewed
2013 |
Spatial distribution of brominated very short-lived substances in the eastern Pacific. J. Geophys. Res. (Oceans), 118, doi:10.1002/jgrc.20183.
Liu, Y., S.A. Yvon-Lewis, D.C.O. Thornton, L. Campbell, and T.S. Bianchi.
Peer Reviewed
2013 |
The Coastal Ocean as a Key Dynamic Interface in the Global Carbon Cycle. Nature. (In press).
Bauer, J.E., W.J. Cai, P. Raymond, T.S. Bianchi, C.S. Hopkinson, and P. Regnier.
Peer Reviewed
2012 |
Dissolution in Bahamian blue holes, GSA Annual Meeting in Charlotte, NC, USA (4-7 November, 2012).
Martin, J.B., Ezell, J., Brown, A., Gulley, J., Spellman, P., Davis, R.L.
Other Publications
2012 |
Report: Understanding Future Sea Level Rise Impacts on Coastal Wetlands in the Apalachicola Bay Region of Florida's Gulf Coast. The Nature Conservancy. 60pp. 2012.
Freeman, K., Geselbracht, L., Gordon, D., Kelly, E. and L. Racevskis
Other Publications
2012 |
Presentation: Coastal Ecosystem Services and Sea Level Rise in Florida: Understanding Public Perceptions, Values, and Policy
Racevskis, L.
Other Publications
2012 |
A Spatial Analysis of Cultural Ecosystem Service Valuation by Regional Stakeholders in Florida - A Coastal Application of the Social Values for Ecosystem Services (SoIVES) Tool
Coffin, W., R.A. Swett, Z.D. Cole
Other Publications
2012 |
Ice Volume and Sea Level During the Last Interglacial
Dutton, A. and K. Lambeck
Peer Reviewed
2011 |
DISSOLUTION IN BAHAMIAN BLUE HOLES FROM TIDAL PUMPING. Karst Waters Institute Conference, Billings, MT (August 609, 2011).
Martin, J., Gulley, J., Spellman, P.
Other Publications
2011 |
Scale and resolution-invariance of suitable geographic range for shorebird metapopulations. Ecological Complexity 8(4):364-376
Convertino, M G.A. Kiker, R. Muñoz-Carpena, M.L. Chu-Agor, R.A. Fischer, I. Linkov.
Peer Reviewed
2011 |
Assessing hydrologic and biogeochemical controls on pore-water dissolved inorganic carbon cycling in a subterranean estuary: A 14C and 13C mass balance approach, Mar. Chem., doi 10.1016/j.marchem.2011.07.007
Dorsett, A., Cherrier, J., Martin, J.B., Cable, J.E.
Peer Reviewed
2011 |
Cold seeps in Monterey Bay, California: Geochemistry of pore waters and relationship to Benthic Foraminiferal Calcite, Applied Geochemistry, v. 26 (5) 738-746. 2011.
Gieskes, J., Rathburn, A.E., Martin, J.B., Pérez, M.E., Mahn, C., Bernhard, J.M., and Day, S.
Peer Reviewed
2011 |
Tides in a System of Connected Estuaries, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 41, 946-959, 2011
Waterhouse, A. F., Valle-Levinson, A. and C.D. Winant
Peer Reviewed
2011 |
Progress Report: Planning for Sea Level Rise: A Pilot Study to Evaluate and Improve the Development and Delivery of Habitat Vulnerability Assessments and Adaptive Conservation Designs to Coastal Decision Makers
Frank, K.
Other Publications
2010 |
Modeling water quality and hypoxia dynamics in Upper Charlotte Harbor, Florida, U.S.A. during 2000. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 90(4):250-263. 2010.
Kim, T., Sheng, P., Park, K.
Peer Reviewed
2010 |
Combined carbonate carbon isotopic and cellular ultrastructural studies of individual benthic foraminifera: II. Method description. Paleoceanography, 25(2). 2010.
Bernhard,J.M., J.B. Martin, A.E. Rathburn
Peer Reviewed
2010 |
Combined carbonate carbon isotopic and cellular ultrastructural studies of individual benthic foraminifera: II. Towards an understanding of apparent disequilibrium in hydrocarbon seeps, Paleoceanography, 25(4). 2010.
Bernhard, J.M., J.B. Martin, A.E. Rathburn
Peer Reviewed
2010 |
Safak, I., Sheremet, A., Valle-Levinson, A., Waterhouse, A.F. Variation of overtides by wave enhanced bottom drag in a North Florida tidal inlet. Cont. Shelf Res (30) 1963-1970.
Safak et al.
Peer Reviewed
2010 |
Transverse structure of subtidal flow in a weakly stratified subtropical inlet. Cont. Shelf. Res., 30, 281-292, 2010.
Waterhouse, A. and A. Valle-Levinson
Peer Reviewed
2010 |
Integrated Modeling for the Assessment of Ecological Impacts of Sea Level Rise. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, 2010.
Hagen, S. C.; Lewis, G.; Bartel, R.; Batten, B.; Huang, W.; Morris, J.; Slinn, D. N.; Sparks, J.; Walters, L.; Wang, D.; Weishampel, J.; Yeh, G.
Other Publications
2009 |
Carbon and oxygen stable isotope geochemistry of live (stained) benthic foraminifera from the north pacific and the south Australian bight, Marine Micropaleontology, 70:89-101. 2009.
Basak, C., A. E.Rathburn, M. E. Pérez, J. B. Martin, J. W.Kluesner, L. A. Levin, P. De Deckker, M. Abriani
Peer Reviewed
2009 |
Water quality characteristics of the nearshore Gulf coast waters adjacent to Citrus, Hernando and Levy Counties. Project COAST 1997–2008
Jacoby,C.A., T.K. Frazer, D.D. Saindon
Final Report
2009 |
Forecasting Storm Surge, Inundation, and 3D Circulation along the Florida Coast. Estuarine and Coastal Modeling Conference 2009.
Sheng, P.Y., Paramygin, V.A.
Other Publications
2009 |
Subtidal flow and its variability at the entrance to a subtropical lagoon, Cont. Shelf Res., 29, 2318-2332, 2009
Murphy, P., Waterhouse, A., Penko, A. , Hesser, T. and A. Valle-Levinson
Peer Reviewed
2008 |
Episodic high intensity mixing events in a subterranean estuary: Effects of tropical cyclones. Limnol. Oceanogr., 53(2), 2008, 666–674.
Smith,C.G., J.E. Cable, J.B. Martin
Peer Reviewed
2008 |
Evaluating the source and seasonality of submarine groundwater discharge using a Radon-222 pore water transport model, EPSL, 273:312-322. 2008.
Smith, Christopher G., Cable, Jaye E., Martin, Jonathan B., Roy, Moutusi,
Peer Reviewed
2008 |
Report: Measuring the Effectiveness of Lagoon Quest: A Case Study in Environmental Education Program Evaluation
Chen-Hsuan, J., Martha C. Monroe, and Alison Gordon
Final Report
2008 |
Circulation and flushing in the lagoonal system of the Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve (GTMNERR), Florida. Journal of Coastal Res 55:9-25. 2008.
Sheng, Y.P., Davis, J.R.
Peer Reviewed
2008 |
Residual exchange flow in subtropical estuaries, Estuaries and Coasts, 32:54–67, doi:10.1007/s12237-008-9112-1, 2009
Valle-Levinson, A., Gutierrez de Velasco, G., Trasviña, A., Souza, A.J., Durazo, R. and A. J. Mehta
Peer Reviewed
2008 |
Sediment Transport through Tidal Inlets During Extreme Forcing: Erosion or Accretion?, Final Report
Valle-Levinson, A. Et al
Final Report
2008 |
Spatial Structure of Tidal and Residual Flows at a Tidal Inlet. Amy Waterhouse, Arnoldo Valle-Levinson. Ocean Sciences meeting in Orlando in March of 2008
Valle-Levinson et al.
Other Publications
2007 |
Chemical composition and spatial distribution of mangrove-generated brines: Interactions with and influences on submarine ground water discharge. Marine Chemistry, 104: 58-68. 2007.
McGowan, K.T., and Martin, J.B.
Peer Reviewed
2007 |
Re-circulation of shallow lagoon water and its significance on chemical fluxes in the Banana River Lagoon, Florida, Journal of Coastal Research, 23: 878-891. 2007.
Bhadha, J., Martin, J.B., Jaeger, J., Lindenberg, M., Cable, J.
Peer Reviewed
2007 |
Magnitudes of submarine groundwater discharge from marine and terrestrial sources: Indian River Lagoon, Florida. Water Resources Research 43, W05440, doi:10.1029/2006WR005266. 2007.
Martin, J., J. Cable, C. Smith, M. Roy, and J. Cherrier
Peer Reviewed
2006 |
Report: . Hydrodynamic Modeling of Charlotte Harbor in Support of the Determination of Minimum Flows for the Lower Peace and Myakka Rivers. Report prepared by the Civil & Coastal Engineering Department, University of Florida, for the Southwest Florida Water Management District. 2006
Sheng, Y.P., T. Kim, J. Davis, and S. Schofield
Final Report
2006 |
A review of submarine ground water discharge: biogeochemical inputs and leaky coastlines, p. 22-41. in I.S. Zekster, R.G. Dzhamalov, and L.G. Everett, eds. Submarine Groundwater. CRC Press, ISBN: 0849335760. 512 Pp. 2006.
Cable, J., J. Martin, and M. Taniguchi.
Peer Reviewed
2006 |
Exonerating Bernouilli? Evaluating physical and biological processes affecting marine seepage meter measurements. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 4:172-183. 2006.
Cable, J. J. Martin, and J. Jaeger.
Peer Reviewed
2006 |
Thermal and chemical evidence for rapid water exchange across the sediment-water interface by bioirrigation in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida, Limnology and Oceanography, 51: 1332-1341. 2006.
Martin, J.B., J.E. Cable, J. Jaeger, K. Hartl, C.G. Smith
Peer Reviewed
2006 |
Final Report 1997-2005: Water quality characteristics of the nearshore Gulf coast waters adjacent to Citrus, Hernando and Levy counties
Frazer, T.K., S.K. Notestein, S.R. Keller, C.A. Jacoby
Final Report
2005 |
Surface and Pore Water Mixing in Estuarine Sediments: Implications for Nutrient and Si Cycling.
Jehangir H. Bhadha, Jonathan B. Martin, John Jaeger Mary Lindenberg, and Jaye E. Cable
Peer Reviewed
2004 |
Park, K.
Other Publications
2004 |
Integrated-Process and Integrated-Scale Modeling of Large Coastal and Estuarine Areas. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Estuarine and Coastal Modeling (ASCE, St. Petersburg, Florida), pp. 407–422. 2004
Sheng, Y. P., J. R. Davis, V. Paramygin, K. Park, T. Kim, and V. Alymov
Other Publications
2004 |
An inexpensive, automatic, submersible water sampler. Limnology and Oceanog: Methods 2: 398-405.
Martin, J.B., Thomas, R.C., and K.M. Hartl
Peer Reviewed
2003 |
Bhada, Jehangir H.
Other Publications
2002 |
Annual Report 2001: Water Quality Characteristics of the Nearshore Gulf Coast Waters Adjacent to Pasco County
Frazer, T.K. , S.K. Notestein, J.A. Hale, M.V. Hoyer, D.E. Canfield
Other Publications
2001 |
Indian River Lagoon Hydrodynamics and Water Quality Model: Nutrient Storage and Transformations in Sediments
Reddy, K.R., M.M. Fisher, H.K. Pant, P. Inglett, J.R. White
Final Report
2001 |
Nutrient Limiting Status of Phytoplankton in Five Gulf Coast Rivers and Their Associated Estuaries
Frazer, T.K. , E.J. Phlips, S.K. Notestein, C.Jett
Other Publications
2000 |
Annual Report 2000: Project COAST
Frazer. T.K.
Other Publications
2000 |
Final Report 2000: Water Quality Characteristics of the Nearshore Gulf Coast Waters Adjacent to Citrus, Hernando and Levy Counties
Frazer, T.K., S.K. Notestein, J.A. Hale, D.E. Canfield, S.B. Blitch
Final Report
1999 |
Other Publications
1998 |
Circulation in the Charlotte Harbor Estuarine System. Proceedings of the Charlotte Harbor Public Conference. 1998.
Sheng, Y. Peter
Other Publications