Year |
Publication Title |
Author |
Type |
2015 |
Options to Reduce High Volume Freshwater Flows to the St. Lucie and Caloosahatchee Estuaries and Move Water from Lake Okeechobee to the Southern Everglades
Graham, W. D., M. J. Angelo, T. K. Frazer, P. C. Frederick, K. E. Havens, and K. R. Reddy
Final Report
2014 |
Chronic toxicity of heavy fuel oils to fish embryos using multiple exposure scenarios. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33(3), 677-687. 2014.
Martin, J.D., J. Adams, B. Hollebone, T. King, R.S. Brown, and P.V. Hodson
Peer Reviewed
2012 |
Components of Mortality within a High-Release Recreational Fishery. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Minneapolis, MN. Aug 19-23, 2012.
Kerns, J., Allen, M.S., Hightower, J.E.
Other Publications
2009 |
Stable isotope evidence of ontogenetic changes in the diet of gizzard shad Dorosoma cepedianum
Brabendere, L., Catalano, M.J., Frazer, T.K., Allen, M.S.
Peer Reviewed
2009 |
Stable isotope evidence of ontogenetic changes in the diet of gizzard shad Dorosoma cepedianum. Journal of Fish Biology. 74 (1):105-119.
DeBrabandere, L., Catalano, M.J., Frazer, T.K., Allen, M.S.
Peer Reviewed
2009 |
Development and Use of an Ecopath Model to Explore Effects of Habitat Restoration Projects on Florida Lake Fish Communities
Rogers, M.W. and Micheal S. Allen
Final Report
2008 |
Investigation of microcystin concentrationa and possible microcystin-producing organisms in some Florida lakes and fish ponds" in Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms: State of the Science and Research Needs, edited by H. Kenneth Hudnell. Springer.
Yilmaz, M. and Phlips, E.J.
Other Publications
2008 |
Masters Thesis: Change detection and the application of spectroscopic techniques in the sediments of Lake Okeechobee, FL.
Vogel, W.J.
Other Publications
2008 |
Final Report: Spatial Nutrient Loading and Sources of Phosphorus in the Newnans Lake Watershed
Cohen, M.J., S. Lamsal, L. Kohrnak
Final Report
2008 |
Poster Presentation: Land use intensity and water quality in the Newnans Lake watershed. 2010 UF Water Institute Symposium, Gainesville, FL.
Lamsal, S., M. Cohen, L. Kohrnak, L. Long
Other Publications
2005 |
Poster presentation: Investigation of microcystin concentrations and possible microcystin-producing
organisms in some Florida lakes and fish ponds. International Symposium on Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms. 2005.
Yilmaz, M; Phlips, E.J.
Other Publications
2003 |
Largemouth Bass Abundance and Angler Catch Rates following a Habitat Enhancement Project at Lake Kissimmee, Florida. North American Journal of Fisheries Management - NORTH AM J FISH MANAGE , vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 845-855, 2003
Allen, M.S., Tugend, K.I., Mann, M.J.
Peer Reviewed
2002 |
Assessment of Lake Griffin Algal Blooms
Phlips,E.J., C. Schelske
Other Publications
2002 |
Effects of a Large-Scale Habitat Enhancement Project on Habitat Quality for Age0 Largemouth Bass at Lake Kissimmee, Florida. American Fisheries Society Symposium. American Fisheries Society, 2002.
Allen, M.S., Tugend, K.I.
Other Publications
2002 |
Potential Impacts of Sediment Dredging on Internal Phosphorus Load in Lake Okeechobee
Reddy, K.R., J.R. White, M. Fisher, H.K. Pant, Y. Wang, K. Grace, W.G. Harris
Final Report
1995 |
Lake Okeechobee Phosphorus Dynamics Study
Reddy, K.R., Y.P. Sheng, B.L. Jones
Other Publications