Year |
Publication Title |
Author |
Type |
2017 |
Current and future groundwater withdrawals: Effects, management and energy policy options for a semi-arid Indian watershed, Advances in Water Resources,
Sishodia, R.P., S. Shukla, W. D. Graham, S Wani, J. W. Jones and J. Heaney
Peer Reviewed
2017 |
Nitrate reduction mechanisms and rates in an unconfined eogenetic karst aquifer at two sites with different redox potential, Journal of Geophysical Research- Biogeosciences, doi:10.1002/2016JG003463
Henson, W. R., G. Huang, W.D. Graham, and A. Ogram
Peer Reviewed
2016 |
Bi-decadal groundwater level trends in a semi-arid South Indian region: Declines, causes and management, Journal of Hydrology-Regional Studies, Vol. 8, 43-58, 2016
Sishodia, R.P., S. Shukla, W. Graham, S Wani, and K. Garg
Peer Reviewed
2015 |
Identifying irrigation and nitrogen best management practices foraerobic rice–maize cropping system for semi-arid tropics usingCERES-rice and maize models. Agricultural Water Management: 149 (2015) 23-32.
Kadiyala, M.D.M., J.W. Jones, R.S.Mylavarapu, Y.C. Li, and M.D. Reddy
Peer Reviewed
2015 |
Study of spatial water requirements of rice under various crop establishment methods using GIS and crop models, Journal of Agrometeorology 17 (1) : 1-10 (June 2015).
Kadiyala, M.D.M., James W. Jones, R.S. Mylavarapu, Y. C. Li, M.D.Reddy, and M. Umadevi
Peer Reviewed
2015 |
Back diffusion from thin low permeability zones. Environmental Science & Technology, 2015
Yang, M., M. D. Annable, J. W. Jawitz
Peer Reviewed
2015 |
Spatiotemporal variations in carbon dynamics during a low flow period in a carbonate karst watershed: Santa Fe River, Florida, USA. Biogeochemistry, Vol. 122, Issue 1, pgs. 131-150, 2015.
Jin, J., A. R. Zimmerman, J. B. Martin, M. B. Khadka
Peer Reviewed
2014 |
Bank storage in karst aquifers: The impact of temporary intrusion of river water on carbonate dissolution and trace metal mobility. Chemical Geology 385, 56-69. 2014.
Brown, A.L., J.B. Martin, E.J. Screaton, J.E. Ezell, P. Spellman, and J. Gulley
Peer Reviewed
2014 |
Enhanced aqueous dissolution of a DNAPL source to characterize the source strength function. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. 2014 (in press).
Wang, F., M.D. Annable, C.E. Schaefer, T.D. Ault, J. Cho, and J.W. Jawitz
Peer Reviewed
2014 |
Evapotranspiration Estimation from Diurnal Water Table Fluctuations: Implementing Drainable and Fillable Porosity in the White Method. Vadose Zone Journal 13(9). 2014.
Acharya, S., R. Mylavarapu, and J. Jawitz
Peer Reviewed
2014 |
GQ13 "Managing groundwater quality to support competing human and ecological needs": Special Issue JCH GQ13 Conference. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. 2014 (in press).
Annable, M.D., J.W. Jawitz, and G.B Davis
Peer Reviewed
2014 |
Large values of hydraulic roughness in subglacial conduits during conduit enlargement: implications for modeling conduit evolution. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 39(3), 296-310. 2014.
Gulley, J.D., P.D. Spellman, M.D. Covington, J.B. Martin, D.I. Benn, and G. Catania
Peer Reviewed
2014 |
Light reflection visualization to determine solute diffusion into clays. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 161, 1-9. 2014.
Yang, M., M.D. Annable, and J.W Jawitz
Peer Reviewed
2014 |
Organic and inorganic carbon dynamics in a karst aquifer: Santa Fe River Sink-Rise system, north Florida, USA. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 119(3), 340-357. 2014.
Jin, J., A.R. Zimmerman, P.J. Moore, and J.B. Martin
Peer Reviewed
2014 |
Vadose CO2 gas drives dissolution at water tables in eogenetic karst aquifers more than mixing dissolution. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2014.
Jason, G., J. Martin, and P. Moore
Peer Reviewed
2014 |
Uptake efficiency of 15N-urea in flooded and aerobic rice fields under semi-arid conditions, Paddy and Water Environment, 2014. DOI 10.1007/s10333-014-0473-8.
Kadiyala, M.D.M., R. S. Mylavarapu, Y. C. Li, G. B. Reddy, K. R. Reddy, and M. D. Reddy
Peer Reviewed
2014 |
Environmentally-mediated consumer control of algal proliferation in Florida springs
Dina M. Liebowitz,Matthew J. Cohen, James B. Heffernan, Lawrence V. Korhnak and Thomas K. Frazer
Peer Reviewed
2014 |
Inferring nitrogen removal in large rivers from high-resolution longitudinal profiling
Robert T. Hensley, Matthew J. Cohen, and Larry V. Korhnak
Peer Reviewed
2014 |
Flux-Based Site Assessment and Management, Chlorinated Solvent Source Zone Remediation, 187-218, 2014.
Annable, M. D., M. C. Brooks, J. W. Jawitz, K. Hatfield
Peer Reviewed
2014 |
Environmentally-mediated consumer control of algal proliferation in Florida springs
Dina M. Liebowitz,Matthew J. Cohen, James B. Heffernan, Lawrence V. Korhnak and Thomas K. Frazer
Peer Reviewed
2014 |
Organic and inorganic carbon dynamics in a karst aquifer: Santa Fe River Sink-Rise system,
north Florida, USA. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 2014. Vol 119, Issue 3 340-357. doi:10.1002/2013JG002350.
Jin, J., A. R. Zimmerman, P. J. Moore and J. B. Martin
Peer Reviewed
2014 |
Transport of dissolved carbon and CO2 degassing from a river system in a mixed silicate and carbonate catchment. Journal of Hydrology. 2014. 513: 391-402
Khadka, M. B., J. B. Martin, J. Jin
Peer Reviewed
2014 |
Characterization of groundwater and surface water mixing in a semi-confined karst aquifer using time lapse electrical resistivity tomography. Water Resources Research, DOI: 10.1002/2013WR013991,in press, 2014.
Meyerhoff, S, R. Maxwell, A. Revil, J. Martin, M. Karaoulis, and W. Graham,
Peer Reviewed
2014 |
Insights on geologic and vegetative controls over hydrologic behavior of a large complex basin – Global Sensitivity Analysis of an integrated parallel hydrologic model
Srivastava, V., W. Graham, R. Munoz-Carpena, and R. Maxwell
Peer Reviewed
2014 |
Assessment of alternative methods for statistically downscaling daily GCM precipitation outputs to simulate regional streamflow. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 50 (4), 1010-1032, 2014.
Hwang, S., and W. Graham
Peer Reviewed
2014 |
NOAA SARP Project (NA11-OAR4310110) Final Report
Staal, Lisette
Final Report
2014 |
Seasonal predictions of regional reference evapotranspiration (ETo) based on Climate Forecast System version 2 (CFSv2), Journal of Hydrometeorology, 2014.
Tian, D., C.Martinez, and W. Graham
Peer Reviewed
2014 |
Forecasts of seasonal streamflow in West-Central Florida using multiple climate predictors. Journal of Hydrology 519, 1130-1140. 2014.
Risko, S.L. and C.J. Martinez
Peer Reviewed
2014 |
NOAA SARP Project (NA12OAR4310130) Final Report
Staal, Lisette
Final Report
2014 |
Statistical downscaling multi-model forecasts for seasonal precipitation and surface temperature over southeastern USA. Journal of Climate, 2014 (DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00481.1)
Tian, D., C. Martinez, W. Graham, and S. Hwang
Peer Reviewed
2013 |
Do carbonate karst terrains affect the global carbon cycle? Acta Carsologica. In Press, Sept 2013.
Martin, J.B., Brown, A., and Ezell, J.
Peer Reviewed
2013 |
Sensitivity Analysis and Parameter Estimation for an Approximate Analytical Model of Canal-Aquifer Interaction Applied in the C-111 Basin. Trans. of the ASABE 56(3): 977-992
Kisekka, I, K. W. Migliaccio, R. Muñoz-Carpena, Y. Khare, T. H. Boyer
Peer Reviewed
2013 |
Controls on diel metal cycles in a biologically productive carbonate-dominated river
Marie J. Kurz, Véronique de Montety, Jonathan B. Martin, Matthew J. Cohen, Chad R. Foster
Peer Reviewed
2013 |
Diel Phosphorus Variation and the Stoichiometry of Ecosystem Metabolism in a Large Spring-Fed River.
Cohen, M.J., Marie J. Kurz, James B. Heffernan, Jonathan B. Martin, Rachel L.
Douglass, Chad R. Foster, and Ray G. Thomas
Peer Reviewed
2013 |
From rainfall to spring discharge: Coupling conduit flow, subsurface matrix flow and surface flow in karst systems with a discrete-continuum model, Advances in Water Resources,Volume 61, Pages 29-41, 2013.
de Rooij, R., P. Perrochet, and W. Graham
Peer Reviewed
2013 |
Assessment of the utility of dynamically-downscaled regional reanalysis data to predict streamflow in west central Florida using an integrated hydrologic model, Reg Environ Change
DOI 10.1007/s10113-013-0406-x
Hwang, Syewoon, Wendy D. Graham, Alison Adams, and Jeffrey Geurink
Peer Reviewed
2013 |
Development and comparative evaluation of a stochastic analog method to downscale daily GCM precipitation, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 17, 4481-4502, 2013.
Hwang, Syewoon and Wendy D. Graham
Peer Reviewed
2012 |
Interactions of diffuse and focused allogenic recharge in an eogenetic karst aquifer, Hydrogeology Journal, v. 20, p. 767-781. 2012.
Langston, A.L., Screaton, E.J., Martin, J.B., Bailly-Comte, V.
Peer Reviewed
2012 |
Impact of Aerobic Rice Cultivation on Growth, Yield, and Water Productivity of Rice–Maize Rotation in Semiarid Tropics, Agron. J. 104:1757–1765 (2012), doi:10.2134/agronj2012.0148.
Kadiyala, M. D. M., R. S. Mylavarapu, Y. C. Li, G. B. Reddy, and M. D. Reddy
Peer Reviewed
2012 |
Evaluation of a Denitrification Wall to Reduce Surface Water Nitrogen Loads. J. Environ. Qual. 41:724–731 (2012) doi:10.2134/jeq2011.0331
Schmidt, C.A., M.W. Clark
Peer Reviewed
2012 |
Final Report: Reducing Nonpoint Source Loss of Nitrate within the Santa Fe Basin: Efficacy of Container Nursery BMPs and Denitrification Wall
Clark, Mark, Casey Schmidt, Thomas Yeager
Final Report
2012 |
Denitrification and inference of nitrogen sources in the karstic Floridan Aquifer. Biogeosciences 9, 1671-1690. doi:10.5194/bg-9-1671-2012
Heffernan, J. B., A. Albertin, M. Fork, B. Katz, and M.J. Cohen
Peer Reviewed
2012 |
A particle-tracking scheme for simulating
pathlines in coupled surface-subsurface flows, Advances in Water Resources, Volume 52, Pages 7–18, 2013.
de Rooij, R., Graham, W., Maxwell, R.M.
Peer Reviewed
2012 |
Effects of Antecedent Hydrogeologic Conditions on Flood Magnitude and Recharge to the Floridan Aquifer in North-Central Florida
Ball, C. and J.B. Martin
Peer Reviewed
2012 |
Visualization of conduit-matrix conductivity differences in a karst aquifer using time-lapse electrical resistivity, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 39, L24401, doi:10.1029/2012GL053933, 2012
Meyerhoff, Steven B., Marios Karaoulis, Florian Fiebig, Reed M. Maxwell, Andre Revil, Jonathan B. Martin, and Wendy D. Graham
Peer Reviewed
2011 |
Assessing hydrologic and biogeochemical controls on pore-water dissolved inorganic carbon cycling in a subterranean estuary: A 14C and 13C mass balance approach, Mar. Chem., doi 10.1016/j.marchem.2011.07.007
Dorsett, A., Cherrier, J., Martin, J.B., Cable, J.E.
Peer Reviewed
2011 |
Time variant cross-correlation to assess residence time of water, implication for hydraulics of a sink/rise karst system, Water Resources Research, v. 47 W05547, doi: 10.1029/2010WR009613. 2011.
Bailly-Comte, V., Martin, J.B. and Screaton, E.J.
Peer Reviewed
2011 |
Complementary Effects of surface water and groundwater on soil moisture dynamics in a degraded coastal floodplain forest. Journal of Hydrol 398(2011):211-234.
Kaplan, D. and R. Muñoz-Carpena
Peer Reviewed
2011 |
Growth of bald cypress [Taxodium distichum (L.) Rich.] seedlings in the tidal floodplain of the Loxahatchee River. Biological Sciences 2(74):84-99.
Liu, G.D., Li, Y.C., Muñoz-Carpena, R., Hedgepeth, M., Wan, Y.S., and R. Roberts
Peer Reviewed
2011 |
Presentation: Nutrient Criteria, Natural Buffers and Practices to Reduce Nitrate Loads at the Source. Presented at the Santa Fe Springs Working Group meeting, Feb 16, 2011.
Clark, M.W.
Other Publications
2011 |
Influence of diel biogeochemical cycles on carbonate equilibrium in a karst river. Chemical Geology
De Montety, V., J.B. Martin, M.J. Cohen, M.J. Kurz and C.R. Foster
Peer Reviewed
2010 |
Conduit enlargement in an eogenetic karst aquifer, J. Hydrology, 393: 143-155. 2010.
Moore, P.J., Martin, J.B., Screaton, E.J., and Neuhoff, P.S.
Peer Reviewed
2010 |
Water exchange and pressure transfer between conduits and matrix and their influence on hydrodynamics of two karst aquifers with sinking streams, Journal of Hydrology 386 55-66, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2010.03.005, 2010.
Bailly-Comte, V., Martin, J. B., Jourde, H., Screaton, E. J., Pistre, S. and A. Langston
Peer Reviewed
2010 |
A Scalable Approach to Fusing Spatiotemporal Data to Estimate Streamflow via a Bayesian Network
Nagarajan, K.; Krekeler, C.; Slatton, K.C.; Graham, W.D.
Peer Reviewed
2010 |
Direct and indirect coupling of primary production and diel nitrate dynamics in a
subtropical spring-fed river
James B. Heffernana,b and Matthew J. Cohen
Peer Reviewed
2010 |
Hydrologic and biotic influences on nitrate removal in a subtropical spring-fed river. Limnol. Oceonogr. 55(1), 2010, 249-263.
Heffernan, J.B., M.J. Cohen, T.K. Frazer, R.G. Thomas, T.J. Rayfield, J. Gulley, J.B. Martin, J.J. Delfino, W.D. Graham
Peer Reviewed
2010 |
Calibration of a combined dielectric probe for soil moisture and porewater salinity measurement in organic and mineral coastal wetland soils. Geoderma 161(1-4):50-62.
Mortl, A., Muñoz-Carpena, R., Kaplan, D. and Y. Li
Peer Reviewed
2010 |
Linking River, Floodplain, and Vadose Zone Hydrology to Improve Restoration of a Coastal River Impacted by Saltwater Intrusion. J. Environ. Qual. 39:1570-1584.
Kaplan, D., R. Muñoz-Carpena, Y. Wan, M. Hedgepeth, F. Sheng, R. Roberts, R. Rossmanith
Peer Reviewed
2010 |
Mortl, Amanda
Other Publications
2010 |
Untangling complex shallow groundwater dynamics in the floodplain wetlands of a southeastern U.S. coastal river. Water Resources Research 46, W08528.
Kaplan, D., R. Muñoz-Carpena and A. Ritter, A
Peer Reviewed
2010 |
Abiotic dissolved organic matter-mineral interaction in the karstic Floridan Aquifer. Applied Geochemistry 25: 472-484.
Jin, J. and A.R. Zimmerman
Peer Reviewed
2010 |
Algal blooms and the nitrogen-enrichment hypothesis in Florida springs: evidence, alternatives, and adaptive management, Ecological Applications, 20(3), 2010, pp. 816-829
Heffernan, J. B., Liebowitz, D. M., Frazer, T. K., Evans, J. M. and M. J. Cohen
Peer Reviewed
2010 |
aStatistical Evaluation of Hydrologic Data in Northeastern Florida and Southern Georgia: Final Report
Gao, B., McKee, K., Gargiulo, O. and W. D. Graham
Final Report
2010 |
bStatistical Evaluation of Long-Term Groundwater Level in Northeastern Florida and Southern Georgia: Supplemental Report
Gao, B., McKee, K., Gargiulo, O. and W. D. Graham
Final Report
2010 |
St Johns River and Suwannee River Water Management Districts 2010 Water Supply Plan Groundwater Modeling Subgroup Final Report
Graham W. and L. Staal
Final Report
2010 |
A Scalable Approach to Fusing Spatio-Temporal Data to Estimate Streamflow via a Bayesian Network, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol PP, Issue 99, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2010.2049115, 2010.
Nagarajan K., C. Krekeler, K. C. Slatton, and W. D. Graham
Peer Reviewed
2009 |
Conduit enlargement in eogenetic karst aquifers: An example from the Santa Fe River sink-rise system, north-central Florida, Geological Society of America Abstracts with programs, 41: 346. 2009.
Moore, P.J., Martin, J.B., Screaton, E., Neuhoff, P.S.
Other Publications
2009 |
Geochemical and statistical evidence of recharge, mixing, and controls on spring discharge in an eogenetic karst aquifer, J. Hydrol. 376(3-4):433-455. 2009.
Moore, P.J., Martin, J.B., and Screaton, E.J.
Peer Reviewed
2009 |
Characterization of Conduit-Matrix Interactions at the Santa Fe River, Sink/Rise System, Florida, NGWA Paper
Screaton, E. and J. B. Martin
Working Paper
2009 |
Geochemical and statistical evidence of recharge, mixing, and controls on spring discharge in an eogenetic karst aquifer, Journal of Hydrology 376 , 443-455
Moore, P. J., Martin, J. B., and E. J. Screaton
Peer Reviewed
2009 |
Relative importance and chemical effects of diffuse and focused recharge in an eogenetic karst aquifer: an example from the unconfined upper Floridan aquifer, USA, Hydrogeology Journal, DOI 10.1007/s10040-009-0460-0, 2009.
Ritorto, M. , Screaton, E. J., Martin, J. B. and P. J. Moore
Peer Reviewed
2009 |
2009 Colloquium for UF AKI Project
Staal, Lisette
Other Publications
2009 |
Englacial drainage systems formed by hydrologically driven crevasse propagation. Journal of Glaciology 55(11): 513-523.
Benn, D., J. Gulley, A. Luckman, A. Adamek, P.S. Glowacki
Peer Reviewed
2009 |
Mechanisms of englacial conduit formation and their implications for subglacial recharge. Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (19-20) 1984-1999.
Gulley, J.C., Benn, D.I., Screaton, E., and Martin, J.
Peer Reviewed
2009 |
Structural control of englacial conduits in the temperate Matanuska Glacier, Alaska, USA. Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 55, No. 192, 2009.
Gulley, J.
Peer Reviewed
2008 |
Evaluating Effectiveness of Best Management Practices for Animal Waste and Fertilizer Management to Reduce Nutrient Inputs into Ground Water in the Suwannee River Basin
Graetz, D.A.
Final Report
2008 |
Episodic high intensity mixing events in a subterranean estuary: Effects of tropical cyclones. Limnol. Oceanogr., 53(2), 2008, 666–674.
Smith,C.G., J.E. Cable, J.B. Martin
Peer Reviewed
2008 |
Evaluating the source and seasonality of submarine groundwater discharge using a Radon-222 pore water transport model, EPSL, 273:312-322. 2008.
Smith, Christopher G., Cable, Jaye E., Martin, Jonathan B., Roy, Moutusi,
Peer Reviewed
2008 |
Hydrochemical variations in an eogenetic karst aquifer: Influences of recharge, flow paths, and mixing to a first magnitude spring, 2008 Joint Meeting of Geological Society of America, Houston, Texas, 5-9 October 2008.
Moore, P.J., Martin, J.B., and Screaton, E.J.
Other Publications
2008 |
A Method for Measuring the Incremental Information Contributed from Non-Stationary Spatio-Temporal Data to Be Fused, doi: 10.1109/IGARSS.2008.4778977, vol. 2, pp. II-261 – II-264, Proc. IEEE 2008 IGARRS.
Carolyn Krekeler, Karthik Nagarajan, K. Clint Slatton
Peer Reviewed
2008 |
Environmental Consequences of Nutrients and Organic Matter Injection into
Carbonate Aquifers; Implications for Water Quality in Aquifer Storage and
Recovery (ASR) Technology, Zimmerman et al., Final Report
Zimerman et al
Final Report
2008 |
Final Report: Groundwater Data Processing and Analysis for the Loxahatchee River Basin
Muñoz-Carpena, R., D. Kaplan, F. Gonzalez
Final Report
2007 |
Chemical composition and spatial distribution of mangrove-generated brines: Interactions with and influences on submarine ground water discharge. Marine Chemistry, 104: 58-68. 2007.
McGowan, K.T., and Martin, J.B.
Peer Reviewed
2007 |
Re-circulation of shallow lagoon water and its significance on chemical fluxes in the Banana River Lagoon, Florida, Journal of Coastal Research, 23: 878-891. 2007.
Bhadha, J., Martin, J.B., Jaeger, J., Lindenberg, M., Cable, J.
Peer Reviewed
2007 |
Magnitudes of submarine groundwater discharge from marine and terrestrial sources: Indian River Lagoon, Florida. Water Resources Research 43, W05440, doi:10.1029/2006WR005266. 2007.
Martin, J., J. Cable, C. Smith, M. Roy, and J. Cherrier
Peer Reviewed
2007 |
Comprehensive Project Report: Hydrogeology for O’Leno State Park and Nitrate Loading from the River Rise, A First Magnitude Spring, DEP Agreement S0182. 2007.
Martin, J.B., and Moore, P.J.
Final Report
2007 |
Probabilistic Fusion of spatio-temporal data to estimate stream flow via Bayesian belief networks,pp.4870 – 4873, doi: 10.1109/IGARSS.2007.4423952. Proc. IEEE 2007 IGARRS.
K. Nagarajan, C. Krekeler, K. C. Slatton
Peer Reviewed
2006 |
A review of submarine ground water discharge: biogeochemical inputs and leaky coastlines, p. 22-41. in I.S. Zekster, R.G. Dzhamalov, and L.G. Everett, eds. Submarine Groundwater. CRC Press, ISBN: 0849335760. 512 Pp. 2006.
Cable, J., J. Martin, and M. Taniguchi.
Peer Reviewed
2006 |
Exonerating Bernouilli? Evaluating physical and biological processes affecting marine seepage meter measurements. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 4:172-183. 2006.
Cable, J. J. Martin, and J. Jaeger.
Peer Reviewed
2006 |
Thermal and chemical evidence for rapid water exchange across the sediment-water interface by bioirrigation in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida, Limnology and Oceanography, 51: 1332-1341. 2006.
Martin, J.B., J.E. Cable, J. Jaeger, K. Hartl, C.G. Smith
Peer Reviewed
2006 |
Determining water sources and mixing in the Santa Fe River sink-rise system, north-central Florida, Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Program, v. 38, p. 194. 2006.
Moore, P.J., Martin, J.B., Screaton, E.J., Ritorto, M.
Other Publications
2006 |
Monitoring well responses to karst conduit head fluctuations: Implications for fluid exchange and matrix transmissivity in the Floridan aquifer, Geological Society of America Special Paper 404
Martin, J. M., Screaton, E. J. and J. B. Martin
Peer Reviewed
2005 |
Surface and Pore Water Mixing in Estuarine Sediments: Implications for Nutrient and Si Cycling.
Jehangir H. Bhadha, Jonathan B. Martin, John Jaeger Mary Lindenberg, and Jaye E. Cable
Peer Reviewed
2005 |
Exchange of water between conduit and matrix porosity in eogenetic karst? Evidence from a quantitive dye trace, Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 37, p. 435. 2005.
Moore, P.J., and Martin, J.B.
Other Publications
2004 |
Final Report 2004: Continued monitoring of hydrological and water quality trends at the Frog Pond, Homestead, FL: Analysis of water levels and quality variation
Muñoz-Carpena, R., Y. Li
Final Report
2004 |
Conduit properties and karstification in the Santa Fe River Sink-Rise System of the Floridan Aquifer, Ground Water, 42: 338-346. 2004.
Screaton, E., Martin, J.B., Ginn, B., Smith, L.
Peer Reviewed
2003 |
Bhada, Jehangir H.
Other Publications
2003 |
Final Report 2003: Study of the Frog Pond area hydrology and water quality modifications introduced by the C-111 Project detention pond implementation
Muñoz-Carpena, R., Y. Li
Final Report
2003 |
Final Report: Land Cover Classification from Digital Color-Infrared Aerial Photos and GIS Parcel Database Maintenance In the Frog Pond
Muñoz-Carpena, R., K. Minkowski
Final Report
2003 |
Presentatin: UF Frog Pond Hydrology Network: Monitoring groundwater flow and water quality along the eastern boundary of Everglades National Park
Muñoz-Carpena, R., Y. Li, K. Minkowski, F. Gonzalez, M. Morawietz
Other Publications
1999 |
Impact of Alternative Citrus Management Practices on Groundwater Nitrate in the Central Florida Ridge: I. Field Investigation, Transactions ASABE VOL. 42(6): 1653-1668, 1999.
Lamb, S. T., Graham, W. D., Harrison, C. B. and A. K. Alva
Peer Reviewed
1999 |
Impact of Alternative Citrus Management Practices on Groundwater Nitrate in the Central Florida Ridge: II. Numerical Modeling, Transactions ASABE, VOL. 42(6): 1669-1678, 1999.
Harrison, C. B., Graham, W. D., Lamb, S. T. and A. K. Alva
Peer Reviewed
Discrepancies between RSM and Hydraulic Theory in Calculating Velocity
Other Publications